Mens Handgun League – Season 1 2025 Results
Results will be sorted by standing for the current week. However, you may also sort by clicking on any column header. Your Score and X’s for each week (W1, W2, etc.) are to the right of those columns with the total points for all weeks added to the last column. As the table becomes larger you can horizontally scroll to review your progress for each week. Additionally, you can type your name in the search box to filter only your results.
Week 1 – 2/6
Name | W1 | Score / 420 | X's | Total |
Alex B. | 1 | 419 | 32 | 419 |
Kip J. | 2 | 409 | 30 | 409 |
Scott M. | 3 | 405 | 23 | 405 |
Aaron S. | 4 | 399 | 15 | 399 |
James C. | 5 | 394 | 15 | 394 |
Ernest M. | 6 | 392 | 22 | 392 |