Mens Handgun League - Season 1 2025 Results - MN Firearms Training

2520 N FERRY STREET • ANOKA, MN • 612-644-8864

MN Firearms Training

Conceal and Carry Permits and Training Classes

Mens Handgun League – Season 1 2025 Results

Results will be sorted by standing for the current week. However, you may also sort by clicking on any column header. Your Score and X’s for each week (W1, W2, etc.) are to the right of those columns with the total points for all weeks added to the last column. As the table becomes larger you can horizontally scroll to review your progress for each week. Additionally, you can type your name in the search box to filter only your results.

Week 6 – 3/13

NameW7Score / 420X'sW6Score / 420X'sW5Score / 420X'sW4Score / 420X'sW3Score / 420X'sW2Score / 420X'sW1Score / 420X'sTotal
Alex B.2412331417312414311415341418321417281419322912
Kip J.1419322415301415302411254402212407302409302878
Scott M.3409223410273411283410252415243407223405232867
Aaron S.N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A5396184406184399151201
James C.4399164404184402165399146380136392125394152770
Ernest M.N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A4399163405185394166392221590